17,000 acres nestled in the Northwest corner of South Dakota and home to Milliron Outfitters.
Ranch History
Al Clarkson came from West Virginia in the mid 1880's and developed the ranches we know today. Al started out raising remount horses for the cavalry which was a large part of the ranch up until World War I. There are several old homestead sites, and a lot of the pastures and physical features are named after these early settlers. In the mid-1930's most of these settlers moved out of the area, because they couldn't make it on 160 acres. This gave Al's son, Jim, the opportunity to expand the acreage to the size the ranch is now. The Clarkson Ranch is currently focused on working cattle and sheep, with conservation in mind. It is operated by fourth and fifth generation ranchers, father and son, Bill and Reese Clarkson.
Fun Facts
It is not uncommon to find tack from the cavalry, old arrowheads and hide scrapers, as well as some dinosaur fossils.
The fifth most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex in the world, named "Stan" after Stan Sacrison who discovered it, was found just ten minutes south of the Clarkson's on a neighbour's ranch.
The Cave Hills make up the east edge of the Clarkson property. It has been said that this is where Maj. William Ludlow was trapped in a box canyon by the Sioux. The troopers had to cut steps out of the rimrock to reach the top and escape with their horses. You can still find the steps today along with some Native American rock paintings.
There are plenty of stories to hear and great country to explore here!
The Bunkhouse
We always get questions regarding our sleeping quarters and want future clients to rest assured, while it may not be The Ritz, it's clean, dry and comfortable to ensure you get a good rest while hunting with us. See for yourself!
Additional Acreage
In addition to the land available at base camp on the Clarkson Ranch, Milliron Outfitters also leases an additional 75,000 acres in the area. Both the Clarkson Ranch and surrounding areas consist of tree draws, gumbo breaks and agriculture fields. Due to the vast terrain, glassing is a hunter's best friend.
Take a look at the footage below to get a better understanding of the features this vast landscape has to offer.